Vita Bee Health Peritos mundiales en la salud de las abejas melíficas

Vita at BBKA Spring Convention

Oil seed rape (canola) coming into flower

Oil seed rape (canola) coming into flower

You can tell it’s spring in Britain — the oil seed rape is just coming into flower and Vita is preparing to go to the BBKA Spring Convention this weekend in Shropshire.

And there will be plenty for Vita to talk to beekeepers about:

The Asian hornet trap will be there — a few of them, so if you are quick to the Vita stand, you might be able to buy one.

Swarm lures will of course be featured and Vita staff will be able to tell you about the research with the lures that has highlighted the different behaviour of prime swarms and caste swarms.

If your bees look poorly, you can ask about Vita Feed Gold and Vita Feed Green — each with their own set of uses, and Vita Feed Gold’s particular impact on Nosema.

You can find out more about the forthcoming HopGuard varroa control product as well as the tried, tested and trusted Apiguard and Apistan — and how Apistan is becoming effective again after a break of a few seasons in its use.

So please drop by the Vita stand on Friday or Saturday …


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