Vita Bee Health Peritos mundiales en la salud de las abejas melíficas

Vita en la prensa

The bite of the honeybee – media reaction

How the media responded to Vita’s research finding about the secret bite of the honeybee:

BBC News Online Honey-bees found to have bite that stuns

Bees can bite as well as sting by Louise Gray in The Daily Telegraph

LA Times — Times of India — Greek Reporter

Biologists discover that honeybees can bite as well as sting: by David Cornish in Wired.

Honeybee Bites Can Act As Anesthetics by Christine Kearney in Medical News Today


Vita funds ground-breaking research to control varroa

Vita is helping to fund University of Aberdeen researchers find a way of tackling the varroa mite with «gene-knockdown» techniques. Here are some of the media reports:

Cash to help fight pervasive honey bee pest by Mark Ward on the BBC News Online 11 Apr 2012

Scots scientists tackle honey bee’s biggest killer on STV 11 Apr 2012

Scientists’ discovery raises hopes of stopping destroyers of honey bees in The Scotsman  12 Apr 2012

Subscribers to the UK’s Bee Craft magazine can also see an interview with Dr Alan Bowman, the lead researcher, in the April 2012 edition.

Also in Horticulture Week, FreshInfo, East Anglia Daily Times, and lots more.


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