Vita Bee Health Global Honeybee Health Experts

First aid – Vita style

Vita is full of bright ideas 😉 Here’s how useful a promotional mini torch was to one beekeeper:

IMG_2458I picked up one of your promotional mini torches at a previous Bee Tradex event. I never realised how useful it would be.

Helping a friend move some bees one evening, he thought that the hives were safely settled in their new home and started to remove his bee suit, unaware that there were still a few bees that were not so pleased with their new surroundings. One bee decided that crawling into his ear might be a better place to live!

My friend could hear a buzzing in his ear and started to panic. As it was dusk I used your mini torch to shine in his ear. The errant bee was attracted to the light and safely left my friends ear.

So I now always keep your torch with me – just in case!



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