Vita Bee Health Global Honeybee Health Experts

Drone congregation areas revisited – podcast


Chris Park and Patrick Randall of the Living Beeing podcast

Vita’s blogger has had a long time interest in drone congregation areas (DCAs) and has reported some of his thoughts and findings on this blog.

A new podcast series, Living Beeing, asked to interview with him, so he invited them along to Selborne Common, in Hampshire, England, to the location of the first documented evidence of a DCA by the Rev Gilbert White, the pioneering 18th century naturalist.

It was a perfect afternoon, just one day before the 300th anniversary of the Rev White’s birth. Perhaps the drones realised that and put on a stunning performance — even before a queen pheromone lure was hoisted — buzzing loudly at the same spot that White had reported his mysterious finding in 1792, in the last year of his life. He never knew what the sound was — but we do now.

The podcast is here.

And some videos of DCAs are here.


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